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 The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
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عضو أساسي
عضو أساسي

رقم العضوية : 8
عدد المساهمات : 263
الجنس : انثى

The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh''s career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالخميس مايو 21, 2009 6:04 pm

Nathan Hindmarsh is on track to become the first Eel to play 300 first grade games after re-signing with the Parramatta club until the end of 2012. As the ink on his new contract dried, Hindmarsh took time out with's rugby league writer Jane Aubrey.
Jane Aubrey: After making your first grade debut as a 19 year-old, you have decided to become an Eel for life…
Nathan Hindmarsh: I dare say, yes. Unless the body decides to give in or a miracle drug is developed to help me keep going, I'll be finishing up at the end of this new deal.
JA: Was the priority to stay with Parramatta or were you looking elsewhere?
NH: I had offers from Super League which were worth a bit more, but it didn't take long for me to realise that I should stay at Parramatta. It's the club I love and I thought that there could be nothing better than finishing my career with the Eels. I really want to win a grand final with Parramatta so I decided to stay – it wasn't a hard decision in the end.
JA: How is the body coping so far this season given you've had a few dramas with arthritis in recent times?
NH: It's going very well. The arthritic big toes are certainly doing a lot better than what they were last year. Apart from the usual game day bumps the body's really good.
JA: Something that's not going so well is the Eels' form – is this the lowest point for the club since you started in 1998?
NH: Probably not. The club's been up and down a lot. When Brian Smith left us and JT [Jason Taylor] took over I think we were running second last and then we went on to win nine or 10 straight. We're not travelling too well at the moment – we've had some really bad injuries to some key players which isn't good for us. In saying that, with all that going on hopefully it will bring the guys closer together as a team.
JA: Given the lack of wins on the board and the injuries, is Daniel Anderson ready to tear his hair out?
NH: It's getting that way, yeah. He's been a footy coach for a while now so he understands the ups and downs just as much as the players do. It's unfortunate that we've lost our two halves, especially when Kris Keating was just starting to find his feet at halfback. It's just very hard to predict how we're going to go this year I think. Hopefully we won't go any further down the ladder.
JA: The one glaring issue for the Eels lately seems to be the lack of go-forward and the lack of penetration into the defensive line – how do you guys turn that around?
NH: I suppose we've been relying on Fui [Fuifui Moimoi] to do that for us. As forwards, we're not the biggest pack in the NRL by any means, so we just need to play smarter. There's been a lot of one-out stuff; we need to work in pairs a lot more, throw a few passes together among the forwards. Everyone knows we're not a bash-and-barge type of team because we don't have size and power.
JA: Is Origin still a big deal for you?
NH: It is. It's something that is maybe a bit of a thing of the past for me but you know, I will have been out of it for the second year this year, but I still have hope. All I can do is play my best football and hopefully it will still come, but I'm not holding my breath for it.
JA: You changed people's perception of the modern second rower; now there are more guys with your open playing style. Justin Poore is one of them, he would make a handy No12 for the Eels…
NH: Are you trying to find out if we're signing Justin Poore? (Laughs). Parramatta's keen on him and if we get him I think he'd be a good buy. He's got a great body this year; he looks like he's lost about 20 kilos which I think he needed to do. He's playing well for Saints at the moment.
JA: This is your second stint playing under the tutelage of Daniel Anderson given he was coach of your S.G. Ball side at the Eels, has he changed much in his time away?
NH: He hasn't. I don't think he's changed at all. He's still the same bloke as he was in 1996 when he last coached me. He's very easy to get on with. But if you're stuffing around or if you're not putting in, he'll let you know and he'll let you know in front of everyone which I think is a great thing to do.
JA: Tell me a little bit about the Hindmarsh Cup which I believe you attended earlier this week?
NH: It's a primary school knock-out competition held in Robertson, my home town that's been running for about five years now. Mittagong Primary was this year's winner.
JA: Speaking of Robertson, they've got the Big Potato down there – will there ever be a Big Hindy on the main drag as well?
NH: (Laughs). I don't think there's enough room! We’ve got our three shops, our big spud and our pub and that's it.
JA: The Eels have a short turn-around this week, playing the Rabbitohs on Friday night – they put up a good fight against the Tigers last week so you guys could be in for a tough one?
NH: It's going to be very difficult for us. It will be won in the forwards I think, like last time. Roy Asotasi has found some form again which is a bugger for us, but also with us being so unpredictable or inconsistent, it should make it difficult for Souths.
The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Hindmarshinsider300
Nathan Hindmarsh in action for the Eels (Getty)

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The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Icn_comment Have your say on the Eels.

Nathan Hindmarsh is on track to become the first Eel to play 300 first grade games after re-signing with the Parramatta club until the end of 2012. As the ink on his new contract dried, Hindmarsh took time out with's rugby league writer Jane Aubrey.
Jane Aubrey: After making your first grade debut as a 19 year-old, you have decided to become an
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رقم العضوية : 1
عدد المساهمات : 86
الجنس : ذكر
بلدتك : بانياس

The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالخميس مايو 21, 2009 6:21 pm

thanks lina

the words and article beautiful
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عضو أساسي
عضو أساسي

رقم العضوية : 8
عدد المساهمات : 263
الجنس : انثى

The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالخميس مايو 21, 2009 7:12 pm

thanks the tiger ويلكم ويلكم ويلكم
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عضو أساسي
عضو أساسي

رقم العضوية : 10
عدد المساهمات : 1348
الجنس : ذكر
العمر : 38
بلدتك : دفاع

The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 03, 2009 4:31 pm

hi that what i was talken about english page now i can talk weth some on bay the way thanx lina you are good as i know you and i wana thank the cotch mostafa for hes intresting your freid rajab
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عضو أساسي
عضو أساسي

رقم العضوية : 8
عدد المساهمات : 263
الجنس : انثى

The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 03, 2009 5:58 pm

thanks hwoarang nice to meet u in the page
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المشرفة العامة على المنتدى كاتــبة خواطــر مميزة
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رقم العضوية : 16
عدد المساهمات : 12794
الجنس : انثى
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career   The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career I_icon_minitimeالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:18 pm

thanks sweeeeeeeeety
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The easiest decision of Hindmarsh's career
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